Android (Absorb)
Androids are unique in their design and abilities. As machines, they start off stronger than most other races. Their ki signature cannot be detected by Scouters or the Detect Powerlevel technique. However, they cannot benefit from self-training, sparring, higher gravity, or weighted clothing.
In appearance, Androids closely resemble humans. They have a powerful ability to absorb 60% of an opponent’s powerlevel, but only after killing them in battle.
Androids begin with the following abilities:
- Hikou: Enables flight and boosts all physical attacks by +3% damage.
- Power Keisoku: Allows androids to read powerlevels, like a scouter (but with no reading cap).
- Ki Absorb: A specialized ability for energy absorption.
- Absorb: After defeating their opponent, the android can absorb 60% of their enemy’s powerlevel.

Ability Explanations
The Ki Absorb technique allows Androids to absorb incoming ki blasts. Initially, it provides a 15% chance to absorb a ki blast aimed at them. For every two times an Android’s powerlevel exceeds their opponent’s, the absorption chance increases by 10%, up to a maximum of 90%.
When successful, the Android absorbs 50% of the ki blast, adding this energy to both their current and base powerlevels while taking no damage from the attack.
Upgrading Ki Absorb
The Ki Absorb technique can be enhanced for greater efficiency:
- Energy Absorption: Can be upgraded to absorb up to 85% of the ki blast, adding the absorbed energy to both current and base powerlevels.
- Absorption Chance: Can be increased by up to an additional 25%, improving the likelihood of successfully absorbing ki blasts.
Powerlevel Absorption Limits
As Androids grow stronger, their ability to absorb powerlevels from defeated opponents diminishes:
- At 50,000 powerlevel, absorption efficiency drops to 50%.
- At 200,000 powerlevel, absorption efficiency is further reduced to 30%.
Starting Stats
- Powerlevel: 250
- Maximum learnable abilities*: 20
- Special
- Hikou (+3% damage to all physical attacks)
- Power Keisoku
- Absorb
- Ki Absorb
- No ki signature
Android (Infinite Ki)
The Infinite Ki Androids are similar in appearance to both Humans, and Absorb Androids. However, where Absorb Androids gain powerlevel by absorbing their opponent’s powerlevel, Infinite Ki Androids have to fight, train and spar, just like any other race.
Ability Explanations
One of the Androids’ greatest strengths is that all their abilities, including defenses, are calculated using their base powerlevel rather than their current powerlevel. This sets them apart from other races, which rely on their current powerlevel for calculations.
Androids also start with the move Hikou, which grants flight and boosts all physical attacks by 3% damage. Additionally, their ki signature is completely undetectable, just like Absorb Androids.

While their “infinite ki” provides a significant edge, Androids are not invincible. They can still be injured, and each injury or ability that consumes powerlevel reduces their current powerlevel.
Starting Stats
- Powerlevel: 2,500
- Maximum learnable abilities*: 20
- Special
- Hikou (fly, +3% damage to all physical attacks)
- No ki signature
Devils are the race of Garlic Jr., known for their inherently evil nature. As beings of pure evil, Devils are unable to learn the Spirit Bomb technique, as it requires a pure heart and the possibility of redemption—qualities they do not possess.
Ability Explanations
Devil’s Star and Power Boost
When the Devil’s Star comes close to a planet where a Devil is present, it multiplies the powerlevel of all Devils on that planet by 12. This event occurs on the 5th and 18th of every month, during which Devils remain fully in control of their characters.

Saibaman Seeds
Devils thrive on controlling others, which is reflected in their unique ability to start with three Saibaman Seeds. Additionally, Devils automatically grow one new Saibaman Seed during each Devil’s Star event. These seeds are automatically added to the Devil’s inventory upon logging into their character’s stat page.
Please note: All Saibaman Seeds are bind-on-acquire, meaning they cannot be traded, picked up, or used by other characters.
Starting Stats
- Powerlevel: 150
- Maximum learnable abilities*: 30
- Special
- Can learn Dead Zone move
- Can’t learn Spirit Bomb
- Devil’s star x12 powerlevel
Dragons are a rare and nearly extinct race, with Dast and Mado being the only known Dragons aside from those connected to the Dragon Balls. They are not a playable character race.
Despite their small numbers, Dragons are one of the most powerful races. They start with an exceptionally high powerlevel, far surpassing that of Duugos. However, their growth potential is limited, making it difficult for them to significantly increase their powerlevel over time.

Duugo is the race of Frieza from the show, known for their violent and ruthless nature. Much like the Saiyans, Duugos are aggressive and hold themselves in high regard. They often underestimate other races they deem inferior, which can be both a strength and a weakness.
Ability Explanations
Duugos gain access to transformations at relatively early powerlevels compared to other races. Each transformation significantly boosts their power, making them even more formidable opponents.
Starting Stats
- Powerlevel: 2,000
- Maximum learnable abilities*: 20
- Special
- Start with the move Tail Whip (10% damage)
- Early transformations

Half Saiyan Half Human
Half Saiyan, Half Human hybrids are a powerful yet often underestimated race. While their powerlevel growth is slower compared to pure-blooded Saiyans, they have the potential to achieve significant strength much earlier than their pure-blooded counterparts.
Ability Explanations
Half Saiyan, half Human hybrids possess unique traits that set them apart:
- Training Bonus: They receive a 10% bonus to all self-training, master training, sparring, and fighting gains.
- Near-Death Boost: The closer they are to death, the more powerlevel they gain from training and fighting. For every 1% of powerlevel missing, they gain an additional 25% bonus on top of their standard 10% training bonus.
- For example: If their powerlevel is 100 out of 1,000, they gain an extra 22.5% bonus, resulting in a total bonus of 32.5%.

- Oozaru Transformation:
- Half Saiyans have a tail that allows them to transform into an Oozaru (a giant were-monkey) when exposed to a full moon or after using the Moon Ball move. In this form, their powerlevel increases 10 times.
- However, their tail can be cut off in battle, ending the transformation.
- Be cautious: If untrained, the Oozaru form results in uncontrollable rage. The transformed Saiyan loses all memory and control during this state.
- Rapid Healing: Half Saiyans heal much faster than other races. After 60 hours of rest, they fully recover from any injuries.
Starting Stats
- Powerlevel: 450
- Maximum learnable abilities*: 25
- Special
- +10% bonus after spars, training, and fighting
- The closer to death they get, the higher their powerlevel gains
- Early transformation
- Oozaru
Humans are a technologically advanced race, known for their ingenuity and resourcefulness. While naturally weaker than some other races, they start with valuable equipment and unique abilities that allow them to gain strength quickly.
Starting Equipment and Abilities
- Weapon of Choice: Humans can choose their starting weapon.
- Medium Saiyan Armor: Provides decent protection in battle.

- Dual Wield: Allows them to attack twice in the same turn when equipped with two weapons. This technique is exclusive to Humans and cannot be taught to others.
- Damage Bonus: Humans receive an extra +50 damage or +2% damage (whichever is greater) for all their attacks, as well as the attacks of their party members.
- Phoenix Armor Quest: Humans begin with a quest to obtain the Phoenix Armor.
- Phoenix Armor Perks:
- Instant Revival: When killed while wearing the Phoenix Armor, they are instantly revived with 50% current powerlevel (7-day cooldown).
- Full Recovery: Upon returning from the Next Dimension, they are restored to full powerlevel without the need for a Sensu Bean.
- Phoenix Armor Perks:
Unique Technique
- Time Freeze: Humans are the only race capable of learning this powerful technique, granting them the ability to freeze time for a limited duration.
Although Humans are weaker in raw strength, their starting equipment and abilities, such as the powerful Time Freeze technique, provide a strong foundation for quick progress and combat effectiveness.
Starting Stats
- Powerlevel: 200
- Maximum learnable abilities*: 25
- Special
- Dual Wielding
- +50 or +2% damage on all attacks (whichever is greater) for themselves and everyone in their party
- Quest for Phoenix Armor
- Time Freeze
The Namekians are a peaceful race by nature, but when provoked, they can become a formidable and deadly force. They possess unique abilities that set them apart from other races, such as Regeneration and Namekian Fusion, which are exclusive to them.
Ability Explanations
Namekians can increase their powerlevel through meditation, thanks to their superior wisdom. This is in contrast to Saiyans, who must fight to grow stronger. Namekians can meditate up to three times a day, gaining power in both their base and current powerlevels.
- The Meditate technique starts with a 2% gain (calculated from their base powerlevel but applied to both base and current powerlevel), but the gain decreases as their base powerlevel increases.
Meditate Gains
- 0-9,999 powerlevel = 2% gain
- 10,000-99,999 powerlevel = 1% gain
- 100,000-299,999 powerlevel = .5% gain
- 300,000-799,999 powerlevel = .25% gain
- 800,000+ powerlevel = .1% gain

Limbs may be regenerated. The specifics are for you to find out by playing the game.
Namekian Fusion
Two Nameks may fuse together, becoming a single, stronger fighter. The specifics are for you to find out by playing the game.
Starting Stats
- Powerlevel: 150
- Maximum learnable abilities*: 37
- Special
- Meditate (3x/day)
- Can learn the moves Regeneration and Namekian Fusion
The Saiyans are a fierce and powerful warrior race known for their love of battle, even against overwhelming odds. They possess unique abilities that make them formidable opponents.
Ability Explanations
- Oozaru Transformation:
- Saiyans are born with a tail that allows them to transform into a giant were-monkey (Oozaru) when exposed to a full moon or by using the Moon Ball technique. This transformation multiplies their powerlevel by 10 times.
- However, their tail can be cut off during battle, ending the transformation.
- Be cautious: For the untrained Saiyan, Oozaru is a state of uncontrollable rage. While transformed, they lose all memory of their actions and cannot control themselves.
- Training and Fighting Bonus:
- Saiyans receive an additional 25% gain from training, sparring, and fighting. This bonus is added after their initial powerlevel gain.
- For example, if they gain 20 powerlevel from self-training, their racial bonus would add 25% of that (20), resulting in a total gain of 25.
- Near-Death Power Surge: The closer a Saiyan is to death, the more power they gain from training and fighting. For every 1% of their powerlevel missing, they gain half of that added on top of their standard 25%.
- For example, if a Saiyan’s powerlevel is 100 out of 1,000, they’re missing 90% of their powerlevel. Half of 90% is 45%, so they would receive a 45% bonus, resulting in a total bonus of 70%.
- Saiyans receive an additional 25% gain from training, sparring, and fighting. This bonus is added after their initial powerlevel gain.

- Rapid Healing:
- Saiyans heal faster than any other race. After 48 hours of rest, they are fully healed from any injuries.
- The Super Saiyan Legend:
- There are rumors of the legendary Super Saiyan, a form said to be more powerful than any other. However, it remains just a story, as no one has ever witnessed the true power of a Super Saiyan…
Starting Stats
- Powerlevel: 200
- Maximum learnable abilities*: 25
- Special
- Oozaru
- +25% powerlevel after training, sparring, and fighting
- The closer to death they get, the higher their powerlevel gains
- Transformation(s)?
*Not counting simple techniques like Kick, Punch, Uppercut, etc.